Troubleshooting based on Kepner-Tregoe approach

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Category : troubleshooting

How to isolate issues based on Kepner-Tregoe approach

Issue Type : Error / No Error (Issues can be classified into issue with error where the error needs to be resolved or an issue where we do not have an error message.)


Issues where we have an error while performing something would need investigating and isolation by collecting relevant data with following format.

Define the Problem:

  • Intermittent or Constant error
  • Get Organization URL
  • Get error timestamp in UTC or local time of user and convert to UTC

Can the problem be reproduced?

  • Does this happen on other machines or other environments like a different organization or different browser?
  • Approval for support instance for online organization
  • Approval for Database copy for On-Premise instances

What makes the problem worse or better?

  • When did the issue start happening?
  • How many users are impacted?

What’s changed or new?

  • What was done before the issue start happening?

Can I reduce the complexity?

Has someone else already solved this problem?

  • Do Google Search with the exact error message in Unify Global Search and Internet

Document the work: screenshots, logs, etc.

  • Capture exact error message including the entire error stack.
  • Document the Kusto Query and Results/Verbose error logs
  • Capture exact steps to reproduce the issue in environment from the moment or logging into the organization
  • Get Problem Steps Recorder or video recording of the issue
  • Get Fiddler trace or console error logs from browser as HAR file

No Error:

If there is no error to fix either the logging is not proper

  • What is exact ask? (could be advisory)
  • Are they referring some article?
  • Is the issue related to D365 CE?

About Abhilash Panicker
Abhilash Panicker

Hi I a Abhilash, a web developer and Data enthusiast.

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About Abhilash Panicker

Hi, my name is Abhilash. I am a data enthusiast, I love to talk about how data can make an impact. I am trying to put my findings to pen and paper with this site

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